Anibal Angulo
ANÍBAL ANGULOBorn in La Paz, BCS 1943. Painter, printmaker, muralist and photographer. In 1983 he wasappointed Member of the Advisory Council of the Museum of Modern Art in Mexico City. In1984 he was proposed to receive the Martín Chambi international award from Casade lasAméricas, in Cuba. He taught the 1983-1995 experimental photography workshop at theEscuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas. UNAM. In the same school he was appointed as coordinatorof Metal Engraving at the Carlos Olachea Graphic Production Workshop.In 1993 he returned toBaja California Sur and promoted the creation of the Instituto Sudcaliforniano de Cultura, ofwhich he was the first director. He was named Member of the National System of Creators 1999-2005 and 2012-2015.

The City Council of La Paz, BCS declared him Person of CulturalValue, 2008. The State Fund for Culture and the Arts of BCS names him Emeritus Creator, thefirst recognition of this category that it grants to an artist in the state. 2009. The Congress ofthe state of Baja California Sur awarded him the Néstor Agúndez medal for cultural merit. 2015.He is director of the Carlos Olachea gallery and coordinator of visual arts of the InstitutoSudcaliforniano de Cultura. 2016 Presents at the Palacio de Bellas Artes the book BAJO LA PIELDEL TIEMPO, edition of the Government of Baja California Sur and Ministry of Culture. Asummary of the most outstanding works in the fifty years of his career in photography,painting, engraving and sculpture.AWARDS1971 First place in photography (shared) in the contest "The child and the structure", Caracas,Venezuela. First place (shared) in the Photography Biennial of the National Salon of Plastic Arts,I.N.B.A. 1988. First place in the national stamp contest, organized by the I.N.B.A. and theCervantina E. Ferrer Cultural Foundation.
Third place in stamp in the First National Contest"Cuitzmala 88", called by the government of Jalisco. 1989. First place of stamp in the secondBiennial of Plastic Arts of the Northwest, summoned by the government of Sinaloa. Honorablemention in engraving at the Fifth Diego Rivera Biennial, convened by the government ofGuanajuato. 1999. Third place in painting at the First Regional Painting Biennial, convened bythe government of Sonora. 2000. Honorable Mention in theNorth Painting Show. 2003. Firstplace (Acquisition Prize) in the First Biennial of Painting “Carlos Olachea. Baja California Sur.2005. Honorable mention in the second Biennial of Painting "Carlos Olachea" BCS. 2005.Acquisition Award at the Northwest Small Format Sculpture Biennial. 2006. First place insculpture (acquisition award) at the Third Carlos Olachea Biennial. BCS. Honorable mention10x10 National call. Los Mochis culture correspondent. Sin. 2019